Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday, Monday

I visited the dentist's office this morning for teeth cleaning. Thankfully there were no surprises found today. The stock market had another down day. The economy is falling at an inconvenient time for a guy who doesn't want to interrupt his retirement with work.

I decided to add a few pictures of my dogs since my older daughter had requested pictures of her"doggie sisters". The dogs get to go to camp Wednesday while Betsy and I go stay with my parents for the weekend. My sister is going on an airplane for the 1st time for a weekend vacation to the BIG mall up in Minnesota. We had this weekend available too, so we are staying in my sister's Master suite while she and her husband are away. I get to go with Mom & Dad to Dad's doctor's appointment Friday morning.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, is community wind ensemble practice at Tolar High School. I need to play my euphonium some today and tomorrow to be ready. We should get some printed music to bring home and practice tomorrow night!

I sure have a lot to do considering I dont get paid to work anymore. Bye!

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