Sunday, October 5, 2008

More political lies

I was busy yesterday playing my trombone and missed the news of Palin joining the conspiracy theory world of politics. It looks like the Bush advisers are bolder this year than they were when they were spreading the crap (illegitimate-black-baby smear) about McCain back in 2000.

Note: Barack Obama had TWO black babies !

Abraham Lincoln actually said "In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong."

Democracy was invented(?) in Greece long before the world had heard of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic Old Testament and even Rome called itself a Republic.

I've tried to resist the urge to fear all of the Pharisees, the supposed religious public speakers showing their piety in public for us all. We should let the people attend the church they believe in and try to talk to them rationally about their beliefs, but I don't have to believe your speaking directly from the Lord is any more than a delusion you received from drugs, emotional blackmail, or mental illness. If the spirits tell me to go out & do bad things, I must be talking to BAD SPIRITS. Don't worry about Palin. She's protected from the DEVIL.

If you want to keep spreading conspiracy theories about other political party reps, read The Onion. At least the Onion is funny while the right -wing & left-wing bloggers are just scary.

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